This week is National Skincare Week and award-winning skincare specialist Tracey Bell, with centres in Liverpool and The Isle of Man, has prepared some top top tips especially for YBnews.

Protect yourself against the biggest causes of premature skin ageing
It’s tempting to pin all your hopes on ‘miracle creams’, but before you splash out on the latest anti-ageing cream, invest in a good sun block. Even if YB News readers are spending some of the summer at the office, UVA rays can travel through windows in the office, home and car, so you still need a good broad spectrum sunblock to avoid premature skin ageing. Also, if you want great skin and you’re a smoker, stop! Smoking, sun damage and stress are three of the biggest factors in looking older than your years. Tackle these fundamental areas first because when it comes to looking after your skin, prevention is better than cure.
Stay hydrated
Yes, you’ve heard it before, but there are lots of benefits to drinking plenty of water, especially at this time of year as we prepare for more hot, sunny days. Of course you know that if you’re even slightly dehydrated you won’t look or feel your best, but did you know that drinking more water could also help you beat those mid-afternoon snack cravings? Recent research has indicated that many of us mistake the first signs of dehydration for hunger pangs. Try placing a full-size bottle of mineral water and a glass on your desk. You may be surprised to find yourself reaching for this, rather than craving so many caffeinated drinks and snacks, throughout the day.
Less is more
When you notice the first signs of ageing, there can be a temptation to go overboard on facial fillers like Radiesse, Juvéderm and Sculptra. I always advise my patients only to fill the areas where you begin to lose volume with age: at the temples, the front of the ears, and the chin. This will give a much more natural look than using too much filler in the cheeks and will avoid the ‘pillow face’ look we’ve been seeing in Hollywood.
Focus on cleansing & exfoliation as well as on that expensive moisturiser!
Yes, the beauty press tends to focus on ‘miracle’ anti-ageing moisturisers and they may feel like a more glamorous and exciting purchase than your hard-working cleanser. However, no moisturiser, no matter how expensive it is, can do its best work unless you’ve properly cleansed your skin first. Cleanse your skin before moisturising every morning and night and exfoliate once a week. Your skin will thank you for it.
Don’t be a skincare snob
Of course it’s important to find a skincare range you love so you’ll want to use the products every day. We have our own Tracey Bell skincare range, SkinScription, which is available to buy through our website or in our Hanover Street clinic, where the friendly team can advise on your specific skincare concerns. We know the importance of hard working, beautifully packaged products which are a pleasure to use.
However, if you find yourself on a business trip without your usual arsenal of products, don’t be a skincare snob! Even that tiny tube of hotel face cream does something. Any emollient will not only temporarily plump up face lines but also help prevent skin ageing. When patients have peels or facials, probably the single most important factor in wound healing is keeping the area well moisturised. So when you’re away from home, don’t ditch your usual skincare regime at the airport. If you’re feeling organised, you can decant your favourite products into travel-size bottles. If not, use the creams provided by your hotel to keep your skin well moisturised on your travels.
If you have a specific skincare concern, don’t be scared to ask for advice
People often call, email or pay a visit to one of the Tracey Bell clinics to ask our advice on how to tackle specific skincare concerns and issues. Often there are new products and treatments available that we’ll know about first. We travel the world to stay at the cutting edge of aesthetics, so it’s our job to know about all the latest treatments! Even if you feel really self conscious about issues like adult acne, scarring or a loss of tightness of your skin, you’d be amazed by how many people we see every day with exactly the same worries.
If there’s something that’s bothering you, it’s always worth talking to someone about it because skincare’s come a long way in recent years and there are a huge amount of treatment options available. Also, if it’s instant results you want, try one of our tailored facials. You’ll leave the treatment room looking and feeling great and it just might spur you on to follow a few of my other tips.