❤️Toothache /Pain and Antibiotics

Bacterial Infections Management Guide Flowchart

✅The big question – when should I have them?

✅What am I treating?

✅And what is the best Pain killer?

✅ Pulpitis – what is it?

🙈Simple INflammation of the Pulp and nerve

🤓 pulpitis is a condition that occurs when the pulp tissue within a tooth becomes inflamed or infected. The pulp tissue is the soft, innermost part of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels.

Various factors, including tooth decay, trauma to the tooth, or dental procedures such as fillings or root canals, can cause pulpitis. The symptoms of pulpitis can include pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling, and a bad taste in the mouth.

To treat pulpitis, the first step is to identify and address the underlying cause and type

🧐Reversible and irreversible pulpitis are two types of Inflammation or infection that can occur within a tooth’s pulp tissue.

🧐Reversible pulpitis is a milder form of pulpitis where the Inflammation or infection is not yet severe enough to cause irreversible damage to the pulp tissue. In this case, the pulp tissue can heal and recover with appropriate treatment.

🤩Symptoms of reversible pulpitis can include sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, occasional mild pain, and discomfort when biting or chewing. Treatment for reversible pulpitis typically involves removing the cause of the Inflammation or infection, such as removing a decayed tooth structure and placing a filling.

🧐Irreversible pulpitis, on the other hand, is a more severe form of pulpitis where the Inflammation or infection has progressed to the point where the pulp tissue cannot recover on its own. In this case, the pulp tissue may need to be removed through a root canal procedure.

✅Symptoms of irreversible pulpitis can include:

Severe pain.


  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.
  • A bad taste or odour in the mouth.

If left untreated, irreversible pulpitis can lead to an abscess or other serious complications.

What’s The Treatment –

This may involve removing decayed or damaged tooth tissue, performing a root canal to remove the infected pulp, or treating the tooth with antibiotics if there is an infection.

In some cases, extraction may be necessary if the tooth is severely damaged or cannot be saved. It is essential to seek prompt treatment for pulpitis to prevent the infection from spreading and causing further damage to the tooth or surrounding tissues.

So How can you treat it

  1. Remove the cause-decay
  2. Take analgesics for Inflammation – See below
  3. Remove the cause, incise or extract( Irreversible )

In conclusion, if you have a toothache

❤️What’s best – Diagnosis is first

  1. A combination of paracetamol ( 1 mg Paracetamol ) and Ibuprofen ( 600 mg ) can stage this too. Take one tablet first and another 3 hours later – it seems simple, but it works!!!!!
  2. Diclofenac – yes, we can prescribe it, but evidence shows not a good pain relief for dental and has an opioid content
  3. Codeine – Private prescriptions again, not ideal

❤️In conclusion, Paracetamol / Ibuprofen together as a loading dose, taken all at once, but again Ibuprofen we need to consider medical conditions, gastrointestinal issues and cardiac issues – so check the other meds

🧐What about antibiotics – well, believe it or not, needed if it is a true pulpitis, and LOCAL measures every time – Active Treatment

🧐So when should you have antibiotics, and when

😇Well, I love this chart ( SEE THE PICS ) and something that should help the patient and the practitioner _ a common sense guide on when Antibiotics should be used – if you have SYSTEMIC signs of infection, Antibiotics may be required

✅4 Main Conditions – and only if systemic signs of infection identified

✅Dental Abscess

✅Acute necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis



So the Next time you have a toothache


  1. What’s the cause
  2. Can I treat the Inflammation – analgesics
  3. Do I Need antibiotics?
  4. Is the dentist providing me with the first-line treatment

🤓And another MYTH – you cannot extract a tooth with an abscess – oh yes, you certainly can

❤️The issue comes really with simply applying local anaesthetic in a way so infection is not spread ( and in 30 years, I haven’t had a problem extracting with an abscess ), and in fact if you read all the documents in cases of a localised infection – draining, extracting is precisely what you should do

A rapid overview of Painrelief and Teeth – Im off to dance for the rest of the Day

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