If you’re considering a cosmetic procedure, here’s good news. The General Medical Council (GMC) has issued stern warnings regarding cosmetic treatments like Botox, dermal fillers, and others.
Here’s the gist:
Medical professionals must avoid irresponsible and aggressive inducements (like two-for-one offers). We must inform patients completely about the procedure, and get their consent (“informed consent”). This responsibility should be carried out by the medical practitioner, not delegated to another person.
Also, patients must be informed who to contact if they develop complications.
There’s more. The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) has issued professional standards for cosmetic surgery, which include a two-week cooling-off period. That means you (the patient) can cancel even if you’ve paid up front or made a deposit – and still get all your money back.
Why all the ruckus?
More than 51,000 Britons – a record number – underwent cosmetic surgery last year, according to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. The vast majority of patients (91%) were women, with popular treatments including face/neck lifts.
The guidelines forbid procedures being offered as prizes. Doctors cannot allow salespeople to misrepresent treatments. And, practitioners must keep comprehensive records of consultations and patient outcomes.
Also, the RCS will launch a certification program for surgeons. This will give patients more information about a surgeon’s training for specific procedures – so they can make an informed decision.
It’s about time!
Yes, it’s about time stricter guidelines were put in place. We’ve heard too many stories in the media – people getting Botox at the hair salon, in a private home, etc. These always have very bad results.
Two-for-one offers push people to make bad decisions too quickly. Patients should never feel rushed or pressured, which the guidelines state. They should have time to mull it all over, and decide on their own.
It’s just tragic. People deserve better treatment. They deserve the BEST treatment.
In my practice, I have always adhered to the highest standards. I’ve made sure that patients know the risks of procedures like Botox, along with all the benefits. The same goes for all our procedures – Ultherapy, Velashape, CO2 lasers, everything.
As health practitioners, we must keep in mind our patients’ very best interests. As Hippocrates said, “First Do No Harm.” Those are words every practitioner must keep front-and-center. We owe it to our patients. We owe it to ourselves.
Professor Terence Stephenson, Chair of the GMC, said:
“Cosmetic interventions should not be entered into lightly or without serious considerations. Above all, patients considering whether to have such a procedure need honest and straightforward advice which allows them to understand the risks as well as the possible benefits.
“It is a challenging area of medicine which deals with patients who can be extremely vulnerable. Most doctors who practise in this area do so to a high standard but we do sometimes come across poor practice, and it is important that patients are protected from this and that doctors understand what is expected from them.
“Our new guidance is designed to help drive up standards in the cosmetic industry and make sure all patients, and especially those who are most vulnerable, are given the care, treatment and support they need.”
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