Young Man Having Botox Treatment At Beauty Clinic
                             Man Having Botox 

“Mantastic Mondays” is a name coined for Mondays at the MD Skin Lounge in Scottsdale, Arizona. The spa caters to both men and women with special attention to men on particular days.

Key takeaways:

  • Today, it no longer a taboo for men to go for facial and even Botox treatments to end up with a desired look.
  •   More more men are undergoing noninvasive cosmetic procedures. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons indicates that men underwent about 1 million minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in 2014.
  • Coolsculpting is one such procedure that men enjoy — as it uses cooling energy to get rid of body fat.

“Even some of my friends, good friends, give me a little pokes, little jabs, for getting my wrinkles taken care of at 35 years old, and I think it’s just this stigma that men should have wrinkles and gray hair, and all that stuff, and I’m just like, ‘I’ll fight aging as long as I can,’” Yevcak said.

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