As a dentist who sees over one hundred patients a week and loves to audit. I noticed a rise in lower incisor fractures in many patients, the art to restore lower incisors is often challenging, but with great adhesive and excellent composite bonding – dentally minimally invasive dental treatment solve the issues.
But Why?
Why so many lower incisors fracturing with no known cause?
Did we have a rise in an environmental factor ? In previous decades, the Haberdashery Trade taught us about the habit of holding pins between our teeth during work causing damage to the tooth structure. Another factor could be was there a rise in the number of people eating ice or being stressed at work and chewing their pen ends? – NO
So What caused it?
The charming man, a good patient of mine had non of the above habits confirmed. This client had never had any fillings to his teeth, but within a 48 hour period the patient had a fractured two lower teeth without warning. After questioning the habits, the provision of local anaesthetic, with the application (white filling) with composite, bonding was completed.
On completion he sat up, rinsed out and turned to me and smiled. `I have got it` – hes said. `I know what`s done it`. `Really?` – I replied.
With that he jumped off my chair, ran to his coat and showed me the offending culprit. `Its this` – he said `Vaping`
On this occasion and in surgery I allowed him to demonstrate. Exactly where he places his vape, the incisal fractures were caused. A eureka moment and the answer to my sudden rise in lower incisal fractures!

So the patient left happy, incisors fully restored, and promising to vape no more. His final words: `Saving my lungs,

Well you learn something new every day and today those words stay with me.
“Save your Lungs, Destroy your Teeth” a lesson to be learn by dentist and patient.
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