Female, Mid Forties, No medical issues declared
Patient presents in clinic and explains how she hates her teeth. She hates the colour and shape of her teeth. She would like a nice smile and straight teeth. Upon examination patient was advised that she required treatment for her gums initially. X-rays and photos taken and discussed root treatment is required on her 2 lower anterior teeth, the following options discussed in detail with the patient.
Option 1 – Root Canal Treatment
Option 2 – Periodontal treatment (treatment of gums)
Option 4 – Orthodontics
Option 3 – Crowns
Patient agreed to treatment and consent given.
Visit 1
Patient attends for her root canal treatment. Local anaesthetic and rubber dam placed. Root canals are located for both teeth, working length confirmed, canals cleaned and then filled. X-rays taken and treatment is completed.
Visit 2
Patient attends for periodontal treatment. Teeth cleaned and plaque removed. Gums and pockets cleaned, oral hygiene instruction given to patient and patient to return in to clinic in 2 weeks.
Visit 3
Patient attends and further cleaning of the teeth and gums is completed. Patient is advised to keep on top of hygiene visits every 3 months.
Visit 4
Patient attends for and orthodontic assessment. Upon assessment it is discussed that fixed braces are not the best option for the patient. An upper removable retainer is advised in order to push the upper 2 to 2 teeth into the correct position. Patient agrees with treatment and consents to have retainer placed.
Visit 5
Patient attends to have upper removable retainer fitted. Patient is also shown how to insert and remove the retainer, patient is happy and will return in 1 week for a review.
Visit 6, 7 and 8
Patient attends 3 review appointments over the course of the year for adjustments and to ensure treatment is proceeding in the correct direction.
Visit 9
Patient attends clinic for crown preparation. Local anaesthetic given, teeth 11, 12, 21 are prepped, silicone impressions and bite registration taken. Temporary crown placed with Temp bond.
Visit 10
Patient attends to have crowns fitted. Crowns checked in mouth and patient is happy with shade and appearance. Relyx used to cement the crowns, occlusion checked, contact points and excess cement cleaned away. Patient is happy with the results.
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