How does it Work?
Front of teeth (Labial)
Cfast labial is an innovative cosmetic orthodontic procedure that straightens the front teeth, producing aesthetic results in as few as 8 weeks at an affordable price for you.
It is not a replacement for conventional orthodontic treatment, but is aimed at the “social 6,” involving simple corrections that can be carried out easily by your accredited Cfast dentist.
By using aesthetically pleasing clear brackets and tooth-colored nickel-titanium wires placed on the front surface of the teeth, Cfast is readily accepted and proving hugely popular across the world.
Unlike many clear aligner systems, the movement is more predictable and is typically completed faster with the average treatment time being just 5 months.
Cfast are very discreet and hard to notice unless people get really close, Cfast will not affect your speech or eating, we have placed them on some very famous people without the press ever knowing.
How do the teeth move?
The animation below shows how the thin nickel titanium wires that clips into the tooth colored brackets, which are precisely placed onto your teeth gently pull the front 6 teeth back into alignment to give a more pleasing cosmetic result.
To find out ore or to book your free consultation in any of our practices please call 01624 613323 to get our call centre to book you in at your preferred practice.
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