An expert – what is it? Well, I’d like to think of it as someone that has experience, qualification and the skill in a particular subject, in my case dentistry and aesthetic medicine since 2002.
Again, we know that in any profession techniques, technologies and of course outcomes change and in order to be an ‘expert’ I’d always say that continual professional development – lifetime learning is a given.
In my situation, providing dental and aesthetic medical reports, I have been on both sides; the claimant and the defence. You may think this may make a difference. The reality though is my duty (as with all experts) is to the court and so any report is based on facts.
Today, I sit updating my CPD as a legal expert. I work in dentistry and aesthetic medicine.
Sat at Bond Solon London – the cases intriguing, interesting and always with plenty of discussion.
What my ‘expert’ work has taught me is balance, independence, awareness of bias, conflict of interest and always honesty. It’s a lovely area of work that I enjoy. It is an area that stretches me in terms of my thought process, education and fairness.
The profession of an expert witness is forever changing. Techniques and technologies change but the core remains the same – whatever side I’m instructed on, it’s simply about justice, fairness and ethics.
Dr Tracey Bell provides Expert Reports in dental and aesthetic medicine, laser procedures – click to find out more