When your concerned about your gums and start searching the internet for answers, It quickly gets confusing. There are multiple answers with technical terms being used to refer to the same thing –GUM DISEASE –
Here are how the terms are linked : Gum disease is the broad term that is used to describe a bacterial infection in your mouth. Both Gingivitis and periodontitis are words describe
gum disease—but the words are not interchangeable and do not mean exactly the same thing.
This describes early / mild ( Reversible ) gum disease. This may be irritated gums that look red and swollen,, Gums that bleed easily when brushing or flossing. If this gingivitis is not addressed it can progress and develop into something more serious ( Non Reversible ) stage of gum disease called periodontitis.
Periodontitis This attacks the gums, bone and connective tissue that hold the teeth in place. Eventually this will loosen the teeth over time to the point that they will fall out.Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. This attacks gums. The most crucial step of treating gingivitis is Not to ignore the symptoms. They may seem harmless but you need to book an appointment to see your Dentist and he can advise you.
The good news : The Dentist will look at your home care and suggest ways in which it can to improved. He will show you how to do this. I could be as simple as adding mouthwash and flossing to your daily routine. If your a smoker you will be advised to stop and eating less refined carbohydrates as this will help
If pockets of bacteria have formed around your teeth and your gums are beginning to pull away from your teeth, You will need a deep clean from your Hygienist or a referral to a periodontist ( A Dentist who specialises in Gums ) will be suggested.
Treatments :
Pocket reduction Surgery folds back the gum tissue and removes the bacteria before securing the tissue into place. In some cases, irregular surfaces of the bamaged bone are smoothed to limit areas where the bacteria are sequested. This allows the gum tissue to be reattached to healthy bone.
Crown lengthening -. Is a procedure to remove excess gum and bone to reshape and expose more of the natural tooth. This can be done to one tooth to even the gum lines, or to several teeth to expose the natural broad smile. It is a restorative or cosmetic dental procedure
Regenerative procedures These fold back tissue and remove the bacteria. Membranes, bone graft or tissue stimulating protiens can be used to encourage the ability to regenerate bone and tissue. If the tooth is decayed or broken below the gum line or has insufficient tooth structure for a restoration, It can be extracted and a bridge can be used.
Soft tissue grafts – Stop further dental problems and gum recession and improve aesthetics of the gum line. Soft tissue grafts can be used to cover roots or develop gum tissue where absent due to excessive gingival recession. Gum tissue frome the palate or another donor source covers the exposed root. This can be done for one toothor several teeth to even the gum line and reduce sensitivty. The soft tissue graft can reduce further recession and bone loss. Im some cases, It can cover exposed roots to protect them from decay. This may reduce the sensitvity and improve the aesthetics of the smile
Bone Grafts If periodontal disease has been allowed to progress It can result in deteriorated bone beneath the gums. When bone is destroyed by gum disease, it can no longer adequately support the teeth, eventually leading to total tooth loss. In these cases, a periodontist may recommend bone grafting. Prior to the grafting procedure, you’ll be given a local anesthetic to minimize procedural discomfort and possibly sedated for your comfort. The gums will be separated from the teeth, and a graft placed near the underlying bone. A synthetic or organic barrier will be used to ensure the gums do not grow into areas the regenerated bone will eventually occupy.
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