Okay, so let me leave you with this thought – Have you ever considered anything other than Botox on your Brow?

You’ve had it for years.
It still works.
But it’s just not as good as it used to be – you say, “Make sure you lift my brows and erase the wrinkles – impossible as we age.”
- Age
- Muscle Loss
- Collagen Loss
As practitioners over the years, we inject the Brow and forehead on patients, causing muscle atrophy – that good, we think.
But as we age, we need the Frontalis to elevate the Brow – so, in effect, are we making an ageing problem worse – the Brow then drops, and Botox doesn’t work as well.
So here’s my thoughts – Botox and some collagen stimulation, I think.
Yes, we love Botox – but we also LOVE collagen.
We should promote collagenases and stop depletion as we age, and therefore, once every two years, a little Ultherapy on the Brow can keep the skin and tissues in top condition, Firm and tight.
Why? The Lowdown
Regularly receiving Botox injections in the brow area can potentially lead to atrophy (muscle weakening) of the Frontalis muscle, which is responsible for raising the eyebrows. This occurs because Botox works by blocking the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that signals muscles to contract. When injected into the Frontalis muscle, Botox temporarily paralyzes it, preventing it from contracting and causing forehead wrinkles to smooth out.
Over time, with repeated Botox treatments, the Frontalis muscle can weaken and atrophy because it isn’t used as frequently or as intensely as it usually would. As a result, the muscles may become thinner and less capable of lifting the eyebrows effectively. This can lead to a more relaxed, smoothed appearance of the forehead. Still, it may also reduce the natural ability to raise the eyebrows, potentially giving a more “frozen” or “heavy” look to the brow area.
Are we all checking our brows now?

So let’s consider – Ultherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses focused ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production in the skin’s deep layers. It produces tiny focused areas of trauma or burns under the skin within the connective tissue. Collagen reforms ( up to 42% in one session), helping the skin and Brow maintain its elasticity, firmness, and position. Ultherapy, when applied to the brow area, can have several benefits:
- Collagen Production: Ultherapy encourages the production of new collagen, which can help improve the overall quality and firmness of the skin. This can contribute to a more lifted and youthful appearance of the eyebrows.
- Natural-Looking Result
- Non-Invasive: Ultherapy is a non-surgical treatment that doesn’t require incisions or injections. It’s a relatively safe and comfortable procedure with minimal downtime.
- Long-Lasting Results: The effects of Ultherapy can continue to improve for several months after the treatment and can last for up to a year or more.
- Customizable: Ultherapy can be tailored to target specific areas, allowing for precise treatment of the brow area to achieve the desired results. It’s not just used on the Brow but Face, décolletage, lips and, well, so many other areas.
In summary
What would I change if I had all that knowledge 20 years ago – I would combine both, and I do.
I complete an Ultherapy treatment from the Early 30s approximately every two years to keep the skin and tissue firm and elastic. I want that COLLAGEN.
I still complete my Botox, but maybe not as often, and as the patient aged, we started to think – what is the best outcome here in the next 10 years.
You see ageing; I do not think we mind at all – we accept ageing, BUT we want to age well and to do that, a combination approach, an appreciation of what is happening when we apply these treatments time and time again is needed and, of course, the ability to diagnose, deliver the treatment and review your success failures and continue along the path of ageing well.
My brow is in line for Ultherapy – is yours?
Costs provided on consultation.
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