Ask anyone to give you their beauty wish list and permanent hair removal will almost certainly feature somewhere. Whether you’re male or female, you are likely to have a few areas where you want perfectly smooth, hair free skin.


Of course, your trusty razor does its job, but do you sometimes wish you could wake up to hair free legs without the daily upkeep? Clearly many of our clients do, as laser hair removal is one of the treatments we receive the most calls about at the Tracey Bell clinics.

If you’re looking for laser hair removal in Liverpool using the latest and best technology, call the Liverpool Tracey Bell team today!


Which areas of the body can laser hair removal tackle?

Popular with both our male and female clients, laser hair removal will work on your back, arms, legs, chin, bikini area, in fact virtually anywhere.

As with all of our treatments, we’ve invested in the latest and best technology, using a range of the latest laser hair removal, IPL and laser machines from Syneron Candela to Alma Lasers to give our clients the best possible results with minimal discomfort.


Is laser hair removal suitable for men & women?

The national media recently highlighted the rapid increase in the number of men booking in for laser hair removal, reporting on an 85% increase in the number of men choosing this treatment. This has been partly attributed to the current fashion for smoother chests and partly to a desire by men to find a longer term solution to the problem of unwanted hair.

With some studies suggesting that men and women spend around £8,000 over a lifetime on razors and depilation creams, it’s no surprise that many are looking for a less fiddly, and ultimately less expensive, solution.


How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal at Tracey Bell, Liverpool, will reduce hair growth, making your skin feel smoother. It works by destroying the bulge in the root of the hair and hence preventing hair growth.

Normally we recommend at least six treatments of laser. However, this will need to be assessed with a practitioner at Tracey Bell as each individual has different hair growth.
At Tracey Bell we treat both dark and light hair with Laser Hair Removal (LHR).

If you have light/blonde hair, a topical cream ’Meladine’ may have to be used prior to any treatment. Meladine works by dying the hair follicle and hence allowing the laser to penetrate into the hair.


If you’re one of the many people seeking a more modern way to tackle hair removal and are ready to ditch that razor, our friendly Liverpool team would be happy to advise on which type of treatment would be most suitable for you and on how long your treatment is likely to take. We can also provide a quote for your recommended course of laser hair removal. Here’s to less time spent chained to your razor, freeing up more time for those relaxing baths you somehow never quite seem to have the time for!

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