If you’re intrigued by the latest anti-ageing treatments, you may already have read about the celebrities’ favourite alternative to cosmetic surgery, Plexr, which is available at the Tracey Bell clinic in Liverpool.
We’ve been using Plexr very successfully to give our patients tighter, more youthful looking skin around the eyes and mouth and the results (pictured) are undeniable. If you want to erase the years without going under the knife, Plexr delivers in spades, without the risks, recovery time or cost of traditional cosmetic surgery.
In short, this innovative tool uses plasma to turn back the clock, restoring saggy or crepey eyelids to a more youthful appearance. However, unlike some of our other aesthetic treatments, Plexr does entail some down-time, and you may well want to allow recovery time between booking in for this treatment and a big event.
What makes getting a Plexr treatment at Tracey Bell different?
Yes, we were one of the first to offer Plexr in the North West, but more importantly, the Tracey Bell team have road-tested the treatment ourselves first to be completely sure that it worked, and that we loved it, before offering it to our patients. Tracey and the rest of the team experienced the pros and cons of the treatment themselves, deciding that they loved the end result, before they committed to offering it at the Tracey Bell clinic.
Tracey Bell said: “Being based in the city of Liverpool where image is everything and expectations are high, firstly, of course, I had to be sure that Plexr worked really well, and secondly I had to understand the technology and, more importantly, experience what my patients would experience, because I always believe that if a new treatment is good enough for my patients, then it’s good enough for me!”
What are the Pros & Cons of Plexr? The insider’s view:
Tracey Bell said: “Upon road-testing Plexr myself, I found that you can feel it and irrespective of Emla anaesthetic, it hurts. However, it’s no worse than Ultherapy and as I tell my patients, the tiny black or brown spots that appear after treatment will dissipate pretty swiftly. However, the downside, which I experienced personally and with my first eight Plexr patients, is that it swells – be it the eye area, the area around the mouth or any other area treated, swelling is the biggest risk with this treatment.
“Added to this, there’s the inconvenience of scabs that cannot be removed until you shed that dead skin like a snake! I’ll be telling my patients in future to give me a week of your life for your skin to clear and the swelling to go down and I’ll banish those stubborn wrinkles because Plexr really delivers on this front.
What results can I expect from Plexr?
“The results are amazing”, said Tracey: “you’ll see pink fresh skin in the areas treated with Plexr by your laser therapist. If you take the example of a woman who presents with lines under her eyes – she loves her Botox, but is seeking something new that can tackle those crepey eyes and loose skin. Or how about the person who doesn’t want Botox, but simply wants their upper and lower eye area tightening. Plexr would be perfect for both cases.
“And for those who are still searching for a way to remove ‘cholesterol spots’ as they’re often called, even under the eyes, Plexr provides the solution. It even works on sagging skin on the abdomen like a true magic wand!
“In conclusion, this treatment works. It’s certainly not a lunchtime procedure. Yes, the treatment itself can be completed in a lunch break, and a short one at that, at just 30 minutes for an average treatment. However, for the week after the treatment, you can expect to swell and to shed dry skin, but then to be amazed by the results!”
Tracey concluded: “Plexr is here to stay, and the education of the patient regarding this game changing treatment is important. If the risks, benefits and patient’s expectations are explained, I’m sure that any patient who undergoes this treatment will be incredibly happy with the reduction in creepiness, tightening and rejuvenating effect that this treatment brings. Even after a day or two while there’s still swelling, you’ll feel like you’ve gone back in time, seeing fresh, pink skin.”
If you’d like to find out whether Plexr would be suitable for you, please call the Liverpool Tracey Bell clinic to arrange a consultation, where we’ll discuss the desired area for treatments, the results you’d like to achieve, the number of treatments required to achieve your desired result and the cost of this treatment. Tel. 0151 707 0340.
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