With so many of our patients wanting a straighter, whiter smile without any waiting around or drilling, composite veneers offer the perfect solution.
Whereas years ago, traditional porcelain veneers were a popular option for people wanting to create a perfect looking Hollywood smile, today many are opting for the faster, less expensive option of composite bonding.
What is composite bonding?
Composite bonding (creating composite veneers) is a minimally invasive way to restore, or create, a whiter looking and more even smile. Composite bonding is particularly popular with patients with damaged enamel, chipped teeth or an uneven smile.
In composite bonding, a composite resin is applied directly to the teeth, without damaging them, and the results can be dramatic. Chipped teeth can be repaired and teeth which may be looking yellow or even transparent in places due to damaged tooth enamel can be restored to a whiter, more even appearance.
Using this cosmetic technique, a type of dental material – in this case, composite resin – is shaped and molded on your teeth to give the appearance of straighter, whiter smile. It can be used as a cosmetic solution to chipped teeth, gapped teeth and staining in both teeth and fillings. Unlike porcelain veneer placement, which can take more than two visits, composite resin bonding can be completed in one appointment.
Why are composite veneers so popular?
Patients appreciate the speed with which composite veneers can be applied (this can generally be done within the same day). Another bonus is that, unlike traditional veneers, which are applied after drilling the teeth, composite veneers do no damage to a patient’s teeth.
What will happen during my visit?
Composite bonding is a safe and effective technique that was developed more than 50 years ago, and has been widely available for over three decades. The fillings and processes today are very efficient, making it easier for both you and your dentist.
The treatment itself often starts with the removal of some surface enamel, allowing the dentist to best shape the composite resin to your tooth, followed by the application of the bonding agent. Your dentist will then add the composite resin, cure it with a special light and finish by polishing your teeth. Because the process involves a high level of technique for a natural mold and shape, it’s best to work with a dentist who has experience and specialty in this area. At Tracey Bell, we’re proud to offer appointments with the most highly regarded cosmetic dentists in the world, and several of our patients have travelled hundreds of miles to ensure that their composite veneers are taken care of by a Tracey Bell dentist. Of course, in all areas of dentistry, it’s important to find a professional you can really trust. However, we’ve found that when considering composite bonding in particular, where your dentist’s keen eye, experience, training and attention to detail has such an impact on the final result, patients are especially happy to travel as far as it takes to be seen by the best in the business at our Liverpool clinic.
How much will this treatment cost?
Composite veneers are less costly that the traditional porcelain alternative, and prices will vary depending on how many teeth you choose to treat. For a personalised quotation, plus advice on whether composite veneers are the most suitable treatment for you (or whether alternative options, such as braces, may also be effective), just call: 0151 707 0340.
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